Sunday, 10 February 2013

Scrum VS Water fall model

Water fall model is basically a traditional method of application development there are certain step to follow like requiremnet gathering,design development,development,testing,optimazation.but scrum had certain rules it is not a method it is a framework basically there are three leading people involve scrum master,stakeholder,and is basically cross functional team ex server side developer,client developer,tester and others depends on project,project manager may be work as a scrum master or any body who is having a different role like tester,developer.
In water fall model only one activity will be happen like while requirement gathering people will gather the requirement,sme will write use case,then Pm will start arciture databse design,functional diagram,even teser will also start writting test case behalf of use case a requirement,then developer comes into picture with the help of use case and detailed UI dragram he will start writting code once code will be partically done then tester will come to the picture test the build and send report to the developer,then stake holder comes into picture if any how requirement gathering will be not done properlly then stake holder will get the build and say that that is not what i want then again requiremnt gathering will happen desing development then is really a very long process.

But if company will adopt a scrum frame work split the application into small programme send it to a team team will complete a p[art of app in a short sprint and send it to the stake holder so stake holder is confident atleast he will get someting and he can able to analysis that project is in right track.
Stake holder is always availble to set the priorites and stay in touch with the team.stake holder will create a product logs and set the priorites scrum master has responsible to create a sprint backlogs

backlogs basically contains the current status and roles and responsibility of the team member he can update daily with respect of improvement.

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