Sunday, 10 February 2013

Few standard and non standard techniques for Test estamation techniques..

Hi frieneds in my previous blog i had written standard test estimation technique like
1)Best guess method
This is a very basic technique and it is puerly quess work,it is done by the project manager basic of his previous experience it is puerly based on your gut feeling generally time is assigned 200 percentage.
2)ad-hoc Method
The test effort based on tantative time framework the time line is set by the managerial people or done by the clinet without any experience/guess, it is done till finance runout. this is commonly immature organatation or lack of experience or budjet problem.Bassically it is done agile practice.
3)experience based
In this method get the informations from previous experience collected matrics from previous applications
In this method SME and bissuness development ex take an important role who knows the requiremnt and compare with previous project and get the time line. 
4)Work breakdown structure
It is created by breaking down the test project into small pieces. Modules are divided into sub-modules.
Sub modules are further divided into functionalities and functionalities are divided in sub-functionalities.
behalf of sub functionality create a test or project estimation this is mostly companies are used tis method.
5)Delphi technique
It is created by breaking down the test project into small pieces. Modules are divided into sub-modules.
Sub modules are further divided into functionalities and functionalities are divided in sub-functionalities. Each team member are responsible to give the estimation,Basically the team member are the key element.
6)Three point estimation
It is created by breaking down the test project into small pieces. Modules are divided into sub-modules.
Sub modules are further divided into functionalities and functionalities are divided in sub-functionalities.
Formula to find Value for
Estimate (E) = a + (4*m) + b / 6
Standard Deviation (SD) = = (b - a)/6
7)Function point estimation
The FP technique is a direct indicator of the functionality of software application from the user's perspective. This is the most accepted technique used to estimate the size of a software project.
Estimate (E) = a + (4*m) + b / 6
8)Percentage ofdevelopment effort
9)Percentage distribution
Here all the phases of SDLC are divided in parts
and assigned effort in %. Like –
Project management 7%
Requirements 9%
Design 16%
Coding 26%
Test (all test phases) 27%
Documentation 9%
Installation and training 6%
Now testing % is further distributed into all testing phases
Pls resopnd if it is not correct thanks friends.....
10)Use case point estimation process

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